Monday, March 18, 2013

Can You Guess What Was For Dinner?

Eating like a horse pretty much sums it for Kyler these past few days. 
I can barley keep up making and feeding snacks and meals and more snacks...  :) 
Growth spurt?  

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day

So didn't have a lot of time to take alot of pictures with church and work today, but snap onerous two of his little hat and shirt. Mostly green, of course! :-).

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Some Videos

Being one is hard work, besides all the playing and neverending eating,
 Kyler is mastering walking and speech giving.  :) 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

One Year Old

We went to ride the carousel at the mall for his birthday...think he liked it?  :) 

A year old?  How is this possible?  I know its the lament of every mom at every birthday, but I'll join the chorus too.  :)  I love this stage -- this exact one right now and the one that is coming.  He renigged on walking after an ear infection, but slowing going back.  I love how his mind is working and he is learning cause and effect so much more.  I love his smile has only gotten bigger each month.  I love that his favorite go to activity is reading.  I love how he figured he can crawl faster without things in his hands, so carries them in him mouth -- ha!  He is a joy x536! 

20.4 lbs
30 1/2 inches
Reading in his Kyler sized chair.  

  • turning into a much better sleeper, more solid naps and sometimes you don't even want Mommy to rock you, you just lay down.  Bittersweet
  • cutting down on bottles - yes, your mom knows other babies ditch the bottle at age 1, but we aren't there yet.  Working on building up more solids....and on mommy.  :) 
  • wants to go down the stairs and not just up -- doesn't happen a whole lot because the process makes the heart race. 
  • bring snacks to me when hungry and books when you want to read
  • putting things into something vs. just emptying them out.  
  • you spend ALOT of time reading -- flipping through the books, reading them to yourself, or having them read you to.  
Valentine's Dinner at Papa's


  • Valentine's Day - enjoyed a playdate, valentine's from neighbor kids, and special meal at Papa's with family 
  • Birthday Party! 
  • Cow's Milk - like a 1/4 teaspoon with cereal 

John and Joan brought a new (to us) toy that we had forgot at their house...
it has become a fast favorite.  
- you have discovered your outside voice...full force screaming and yelling when you are having fun and dancing.  
- you are so independent...whether it is eating, getting dressed, reading a book or wanting to move.  
- you have figured that it is faster to crawl without holding someone, so carry it in your mouth.  Very amusing to watch.  
- you love anything that is swing around the broom, your toy bat, the hairbrush and love to hit your toys with them.  
This toy bounces balls as it sings a song.
I think Kyler wanted to be bounced too.  :)
He actually couldn't get back out without help...ha!
This year has been one of the best of my life.  It hasn't been perfect or easy, but loving you makes everything more perfect, more easy.  I truly love being your mom.  I have learned so much about how precious life is by waching you.  And I have been shown in so many ways how amazing God is and how much He loves us by being able to parent you.   I can't wait to see what God has planned for you this next year of your life because, lil man, I have been praying angels around since you before you were born, that God would use you in a mighty way!  Love love love that sweet face of, tomorrow, and forever. 