Sunday, April 29, 2012

Two Months!

"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains
and hills will burst into song before you,
 and all the trees of the field will clap their hands." 
Isaiah 55:12

Kyler is a constant source of joy this month!  I love watching him watch everything -- he has times where he just sits and gazes around.  PRECIOUS!  A good trait if he is going to be President someday.  :)  Colic started this month and it was pretty hard the first week (okay some nights it is still really hard)...but we have a system now and it makes it bearable. Kyler is a very intense baby.  He sleeps hard, he focuses intently, he screams loud, he smiles big -- he does all the emotions and moods 100%  :)

Stats: (I'll have to insert his height and weight after our appt Tuesday)

  • coos and makes other sounds
  • smiles (alot) and especially when smiled at
  • can hold his head up for several mintues while on tummy or in Bumbo
  • has just this past week started to put his hands in his mouth
  • tracks toys and faces from left to right
  • recognizes my voices and turns head towards me when he hears me (heart melt!!!)
  • kicks really hard with his legs -- he can propel himself right off the boppy if he pushes off me
  • has a very strong grip -- pretty cool unless it is my hair that he grabbed.  :)
  • big enough for 0-3 months clothes
  • loves loves loves to be swaddled and sssh'ed to sleep; in the car this means static.  (ugh!)  I call it his favorite 'non' radio station.  ha! 
  • bouncing saves us at night -- i sit on an excerise ball
  • adapting to not being held all the time -- can spend up 10 minutes staring at his mobile or lights  (mommy's back just can't do it 18/7)
  • still likes to be held alot though and can drop off pretty fast when snuggled into the sling
  • one night when I was singing with him, he started cooing along.  it was probably just great timing, but I felt like he was singing along -- SWEET!!!
  • Khalid has been talking with Kyler everyday on night when we didn't have internet (power outage) he called on the phone and Kyler got so excited even just hearing his voice on the phone...smiling and kicking.  Video calls do count! 
  • talking to daddy (Khalid has called everyday this month)
  • video call
  • being babysat (thanks Auntie Jac and Aunt Heidi)
  • birthday party (thanks Chloe for turning 3! and then Lynda 7!)
  • sit in Bumbo
  • sleep 6 hours at night (he does this almost every night and i am so thankful!)
  • cradle cap experience -- its better now. 
  • chiropractor (we hoped it would help with the colic -- no go)
  • Easter/Holiday
  • bath without crying -- now he cries when I take him out.  ha!
  • 0-3 months old clothes -- I actually packed up the newborn clothes on this 2 mo. birthday.  Won't lie I made me emotional.  He is already getting TOO big!
  • *I am sure there are more, but who can rememeber them all.  :)
Kyler -
I wish I could write how much I love you....but there aren't words.  I wanted you so badly, then I prayed for you so hard, and now I have loved on you for two whole months and it fills me completely!  I can't wait to continue to see you grow and learn and develop!  I LOVE YOU!!!
- Mommy

enjoying the warm weather by napping outside!

his cute little smile and tuft of hair that refuses to go down...gel maybe? 

I think he is wondering why I am taking pictures instead of playing...  :) 

cooing...  :) 

SWEET!  Rocking my lil man

I think he knows how cute he looks!  

Not happy to take a picture with Andi -- this was actually one of the better  fotos....  

Monday, April 23, 2012

8 Weeks!

What!?!  Where does time go?  I can't believe little man is 8 weeks and turns 2 months this week.  This past week he has started too stick out his tonuge, coos alot!, and sleeps at least 6 hrs every night (soometimes more!).  Love him!!! 
Playing -- he might be looking at the camera, but he's excited about his mobile.  :) 
In between all the eating, crying, and newfound grins lil man has been sleeping alot this week.
I'd say maybe he's growing, but I know he is cause his little chicken legs are finally filling out! :)

Meeting Bingi (Kristen) for the 1st time

Hanging out in this Bumbo!
You can really see how tan his skin coloring is in this pic

Bumbos make reading more fun!

Snuggling is still a favorite pasttime for lil' man!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Linda's Turns 7!

Yesterday my niece had her 7th birthday party!  Linda was the smallest baby I have ever held -- she was born 4 lbs. and some odd oz.  Now she is so tall for her age!    It all went off very well too...  :)  She had one friend come and her teacher, besides family.  I think she was pretty excited to have her teacher at her house -- although she wasn't as excited about having to share her toys with her friend.  Only child for sure!  My niece has special needs and so it was great for me to have her teacher there so she could tell me more of the progress Linda has been making at school.  She is an INCREDIBLE teacher who in the words of my brother 'loves the kids like her own'.  

family foto


her ffiend, Remas

the loot

Disney princess cake

musical guitar and drums from Papa, Missy, and Zack


Monday, April 16, 2012

7 Weeks of Being Kyler's Mommy

Lil' man is 7 weeks old today -- he is perfecting his smile and lungs daily.  :)  I still have days when I tear up looking at him and am just in awe of how wonderful he is.  He is healthy and handsome -- what more could I want?  Okay, I could do with less colic time at night.  Ha!  But I take the colic over the silent nights Mr. Nicoda gave us.  It is hard for me to look back and even try to imagine a life without Kyler in it...I know it existed and even less than 2 months ago but he has filled me with so much love and wonder that it doesn't seem possible that such a short time has gone by.  When I do think back to 2 months, I almost giggle at all the things I was going to do and was sure about -- then Kyler came and showed me that all those 'things' weren't as important as just loving him.  Do we nurse each meal -- nope?  Do we have a bedtime routine already set in place -- not even close?  Is he the happiest baby on the block (cause we read that book)? -- if that means not crying we aren't even close.  :)  But is he healthy, well-fed, prayed over, and LOVED BEYOND MEASURE?  yes!  It didn't take me all of those 7 weeks to figure out what is most important, but nice to look back sometimes.  Here's to being a mommy -- the most precious job in the world!!!  

Loving my mobile friends
Kyler loves to be swaddled! 

Sportin my Pooh robe after torture time (aka bath time)  :)
my nite-time face....well until Mommy agrees to NOT put me down EVER!

Hometown Pride!
The dr lets me give him sugar water when he starts to get out of control crying --
as you can tell I don't even need to hold the mini bottle he loves it SO much!  ha!

All the crying makes for a a tired baby -- and the sugar water helps!  A very sweet tired baby... 

Hi Everyone!  :)

Cutest little face -- in the whole world!!!

Love his facial expression here -- 'Who do you think you are to keep taking my pic?"

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Kyler's First Easter Photos

Kyler and I had a great first Easter together.  We had a uber-packed morning with church, helping hand out Easter treats at church, visiting Nicoda, and then off to Aunt Missy's for lunch/afternoon.  Kyler, true to form, refused to sit through the sermon although looked around fascinated during the praise time.  I guess sermons are an acquired taste - ha!  :)  I didn't get any pictures of all the cute kids at church since I needed both hands to hand out treats and hand the lil man, but they were CUTE!  All in their Sunday best and saying 'Christ is Risen!' to anyone who caught their eye.  Afterwards we took Nicoda his Easter Pooh and Tigger.  I saw them and wanted them instantly for Nicoda.  As you'll see Kyler was not very happy to have his nap interuptted - not even for his brother.  ha!  Then off to Missy's to get held, loved on, and sssshhhed when the crying starting.  :)  Even got some good pics of him with his cousin, Sky.  It was a G.R.E.A.T. first Easter for my favorite baby!   Hope everyone had a good holiday and remember THE TOMB IS EMPTY!!!
chillin during worship

after church

Nicoda's grave

Popeye face

'Hi handsome' says me!

10 lbs of salad accidently added to my sisters Outback order -- yikes!

Zack got a new Nerf gun from the Bunny

wiped out!

Cousins!  CUTENESS!!!

1st Easter basket and visit from the Bunny!

Remembering his Easter presents after breakfast...  :)

The Many Faces of Waking Up

This kid has so many faces -- and I think he practices them all during the wake up process.  (Or at least during the process that isn't the instant wakeup and scream - ha!) 

Milk?  Ready to drink in his 'almost' sleep.  :)

Anyone there?  (just a peek to check)


'Do I have to wake up?'

Oh, the effort!

a little privacy, please!

the stretch -- his mama stretchs this same way when she wakes up

finally awake...

just kidding -- I think he hit his 5 more mintues snooze button