Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kyler Jaan -- Practically Perfect in Every Way!

7 lbs and 19 in. Born at 1:55 pm on 2/27/2012

I am kinda in love x512!  I will type up his birth story later, but wanted to say how blessed we are for him to finally be here in my arms!  He is loving to snuggle -- which I LOVE -- and is already nursing good!  I'm pretty sore from tearing, but it is hardly noticeable pain when I am looking into those grey/brown eyes.  :)  He is so precious -- I can see some of Khalid, Nicoda, and me in him.  He is so blessed to be loved by so many.  Thanks soo soo soo much for all the prayers for his safe arrival -- God is good!  The whole process has been very emotional with the nice combo of hormones, love, and missing Khalid and Nicoda -- but wouldn't trade it for anything. 
Praise the Lord for answered prayers!
Praise the Lord for hearing a baby cry!
Praise the Lord for baby snuggles and holds!
Praise the Lord even for dirty diapers -- loving each part of being his mommy! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

I am sucker for all holidays really -- anything cutesy that comes with decorations and a shaped Reesee's and I'm in.  :)  Valentine's Day is no exception.  I've never really thought it as just a day for signifant others though....I think since we are forced as kids to make one for everybody, I never grew out of that thought process.  So even without hubs, I had a great Valentine's!  I got a sweet card from both of my best friends and who can top hanging out with Miss Mae and K-Dawg.  We read books, played dress-up (okay, they dressed up and I watched), and didn't nap.  :)  (K did fall asleep later -- but C kept up a steady stream of chatter and distractions til I gave up.)  Even Kyler got in on the action and got some ADORABLE sunglasses!  Then Kyler and I (he kinda follows me around) had big plans to go home and take a nap before supper with Heidi, but I remembered that I had bought a teddy bear for Nicoda.  So off to visit Nicoda, we did.  It has been really nice to be in town for these past holidays and be able to visit the cemetery.  It helps me to solidify in my thinking that Nicoda is still loved, even though I love another little boy now too.  I took a picture of his cute little bear, but Blogger hates me and keeps closing when I try to upload, so use your imagination!  :)  HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! 

Miss Maeism's:  (she is the cutest, smartest girl at her age ever!)
- Today after lunch she took a nice full swig from the bottle of RANCH -- wow!
- Instead of napping, she let me know as each minute ticked by 'it's 2-2-3. its 2-2-4. oh, stacia, its 2-2-5, now.'  It didn't continue for every minute as the clock got taken out of view, but she was pretty excited about 3-3-3 when it rolled around.  :)  I finally let her out of her prison at that announcement.
- After speaking jibberish (aka Uncle X lanuage) I told her that we could only play if she spoke English.  Shortly after that she took K's blanket and when asked to give it back she told me 'no, i don't want to.'  then smiled brightly and said 'i said that in English'  ha ha ha  I think she had high hopes that the English would allow her to not listen.  Love love love this girl and her ever growing logic! 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Blog Game : Tagged

So I was tagged by Jacqueline and Mandy, so bear through the questions section! :) 

First Things First, The Rules:
You must post the rules. 
Post eleven facts about yourself on the blog post.
Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged.  Tag eleven people and link them on your post.
Let them know you've tagged them!

Eleven Facts About Me:
1. I am kinda of an aggressive driver without trying.  I don't drive reckless, but do like to honk at people that are making obvious mistakes.  I am also that super annoying person who blocks the lane that is ending, so that you have to merge sooner.  Sorry -- just hate merging and then seeing all those cars pass me.  (sigh) 

2.  I love music -- not all kinds though...mostly just Christian.  5th Sunday's were always my favorite at church since it just singing at night!  :) 

3. I talk to myself alot.  In the car, the shower, whenever I am alone.  I have talk aloud conversations that I might have, that I want to have, or that I have had -- just with the responces I should have used.  ha! 

4. I have an anxiety disorder that I keep pretty much under control.  Unless you know me really well, I could probably hold a whole conversation with you without you even knowing I was freaking out inside.

5. I like herbs, vitamins, and remedies ALOT.  I will probably try one of each of them first before I take medication -- and own a lot more of them than I ever use.  ha! 

6. I have traveled to 11 different countries (not counting Austria since I lived there) and loved all of them.  But my top cities are Rome, Paris, and Vienna -- in that order.  Totally recommend all three....

7. Enjoy history more than your average bear -- aced those classes in school and will be that person in the museum reading each fact.  When I lived in Austria, KJ and I went to a museum at least every other month to feed my obsession.  My history enjoyment probably really affects my #6 list of top cities.

8.  Don't really like chocolate or cake very much -- but trade off by loving ice cream and pies even more. 

9.  I come from a C.R.A.Z.Y. family (if you are reading this and we are related -- well you should already know this).  I am pretty sure that Jerry Springer could do a week special on my families 'special' fueds and quirks. 

10.  Majored in Social Work because I dreamed of helping as many people as possible -- but after Nicoda died, alot of that compassion and empathy died too.  Still have the desire to help people, but it is more selective now...probably something I need to work on... 

11.  My dream job has always been to a housewife/stay at home mom.  Can't imagine anything better than spending all my time taking care of and loving on my husband and babies.

Questions from Mandy:
1. Where is your favorite spot in your house?  don't have a house/apt right now.  but when I did always loved my bed -- place to sleep and read books and relax!  :)

2. What is your current favorite song?  'How Great is Our God - World Edition'  I get goosebumps hearing people from all over the globe praising God!  Maybe its the missionary in me, but WOW! 

3. What's your favorite game (card or board) to play?  maybe Taboo (cause I am good at it) or Settlers of Catan (even though I never win, it is just a challenge each time)

4. If you could have lived during any time period, which one would it have been and why? You can't pick anytime after the year you were born.   Maybe even just 50 years ago -- my grandma went to college, got to wear pants, and still was able to stay home without people expecting anything different from her.   But live when there was actually castles and ladies in waiting (romantic sigh)...except I probably would have been a chambermaid, not as fun.  :) 

5. What was your favorite science class you ever took and why (think all the way back to elementary school even)?   not sure I ever had a favorite one...I know it is ever so practical, but never really liked it.  General Science B at York wasn't bad, but that is because I was in it with alot of friends.  :) 

6. If you could be an expert in any fighting technique, what would it be (kali,karate, etc)?  jiu-jitsu (cause I like the name -- not from any actual knowledge of any of them).

7. What are three things you do everyday (not things you must do like eat or go to the bathroom)?  listen to K-Love; check my e-mail/FB, dream/plan ( for tomorrow, next month, next year)

8. If you could eradicate one animal on Earth, what would it be?  MOSQUITOS!!!  UCK! 

9. Which way do you prefer to read: actual books, audio books, or Kindle/Nook/etc? Why?   I love to read and I usually read actual books.  I think I like picking up something and touching it -- and being on my computer too long gives me a headache, so not sure me and a Kindle would be great friends....

10. What is one of the hardest things you've ever had to do, and though you're glad you did it (and got the results you wanted), you probably wouldn't want to do it again if you had the choice?   Hmmm.....most of the hardest things I have ever done, I wasn't ever glad about it after.  :)   I guess transfering colleges -- it is really hard to start in the middle and you don't get as good of scholarships.... 

11. What are three things that stress you out? (General or specific)  stopping at multiple red lights; M.O.N.E.Y.; and my family x230! 

Questions from Jac:
1. Tea or coffee? Which and why? Iced or hot?   Mmmm...iced tea, only slighty sweetened

2. What is your favorite age of children? {This isn't implying you don't like other ages, but what is the stage/age that you just relish and delight in}? Why?   LOVE 3-4 years old.  they are really starting to get into learning cause and effect; they say the cutest things!; have amazing black and white logic; so much energy -- yet still take a nap  :) 

3.Do you prefer to text or to call?  totally call, but I have adapted and can text conversations as well.  :) 

4.What do you consider your greatest personality trait?  Can a smile be a personality trait?  I like to smile at people to make their day better and to show that I am open. 

5.What's your favorite snack for TV watching?  only one!?!  well I try to make it fruit!, but if there is anything for me to dip a chip into, it turns into my favorite.  :)

6. Would you rather read the book or watch the movie?   Guess read the book, then I can imagine all the places and characters like I want.  But if I am going do both, I'd rather watch the movie first then read -- that way I don't spend the whole movie thinking what they did wrong.  :)

7. If you could describe your college experience in one word, what would it be?  (ONE WORD!  No pressure there...) Relationships!

8. When it comes to Valentine's Day, would you classify yourself as one with high expectations, or more it's-just-another-day beliefs? Explain.   I like to celebrate every holiday -- even little ones like Valentine's -- so I think I am in the middle.  Like to do something special, even its just wear red.  And it would be hard for me to think it was just another day since Resee's has gone above and beyond and made the Resee's heart to celebrate.  hee hee

9. If you could eliminate one part of your daily routine, and not completely rock your world, you would stop doing what?  I would stop bathing (like washing hair, etc, not the actually bath because I love those) and it wouldn't rock my world much -- but it might affect others worlds, so I'll keep doing it.  :) 

10. If you could go back and tell your High School self one thing, what would it be?  That Jesus died for everyone -- including those people you can't stand or think you are better than.  I look back and see fields that were so ripe and I wasn't there spiritually to share Jesus.

11. What is your favorite month of the year, and why?  July!  I love summer -- warm weather, outside all the time, usmmer camps, swimming, baseball....   :)

People I Am Tagging:
Sammie J
Kara Deal
Sarah Erwin
Kim Smith
(I don't know enough blogger people that haven't already been tagged!) 

My Questions for Them:
1.  Do you have a verse that has helped you through many situations?  What is it?
2.  Can you remember a childhood experience that you know shaped you?
3.  When was the last time you cried?
4.  If you went back to high school as the person you are today,  would you be friends with yourself? 
5. What is your dream vacation spot?
6. What is your favorite cereal?
7.  Do you know how your parents picked out your name?  Meaning...?
8.  If you could change one thing about yesterday, what would it be?  (something you did or didn't do -- not weather, etc.)
9. Do you have a favorite color?
10.  Do you remember you dreams?  Are they usually good or bad?
11.  How often do you get a new purse?  (i didn't tag any boys, so its okay to ask.  ha!) 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Maternity Pictures

All pictures courtsey of the beautiful Jacqueline Sikes! 
(didn't she do a GREAT job!?!) 

My sister's friend took so more as well -- but haven't gotten those ones yet! 
Lots more belly pictures for Kyler to see then I ever took with Nicoda -- sorry Nicoda.  :) 

Names for Everyone!

In September I got a new car -- and it got named this month.  Let me introduce you to Taj.  :) 

And Cupcake got his 'grow with me' elephant for Christmas.  Let me introduce you to Andi.  :) 

I am not sure why I have struggled so much coming up with a name for Cupcake -- didn't imagine I'd change my mind so many times, but it is what it is.  :)  Our little man finally has a name!   From Gavin, to Tyler, to Micah...and now....

Kyler: bowmen/warrior; or place of deep thinking about God (a church)
Jaan: Life (in Persian) pronounced Jon/John

Words have meaning and names have power. ~Author Unknown

What's in a name? That which we call a rose;
By any other name would smell as sweet.
     ~William Shakespeare