Thursday, June 28, 2012

Four Months!!!

This little guy is developing such a personality!  
He is talking all the time and looking around so much. 
 He is a TOTAL people person!  
He isn't selfish with his smiles at all!
He wants to roll over so bad!
His mommy is more in love with him everyday!
He is a great nighttime sleeper -- at least in my book.  
Very expressive! 

Stats: 13 lbs and 25 inches

I'm cool...and I know it

  • sitting upright for a few minutes when propped up or for quite a while in the Bumbo
  • rolled over ONCE and in his sleep, but not for lack of trying.  This kid tries to roll over about half the time he is laying down.  :) 
  • standing up on people's laps when held until those adorable lil legs give out
  • no more bobble-head -- holding his head and looking around wonderfully
  • consistently getting his fingers in his mouth when he wants and in the last few days, just the cute!!!
  • adding more consonant sounds to his cooing
  • whining -- this many not sound like a great thing, but I'll take whining over crying when he needs something.  
  • no more colic!!!  Praise God our nights are just that -- nights.  No more screaming for unknown reasons.
  • carseat peace.  It isn't 100% happiness in the backseat yet, but I'd say we are about 80% of the time playing or sleeping in the carseat.  This is HUGE for us since we used to be at 100% screaming.  Yea Kyler Jaan!  
  • moving up to 3-6 month clothing.  Anything with feet is too small in the 0-3, but regular onesies can go either way.  ***it makes this mommy sad to pack away clothes too small***
  • enjoys toys that are soft and make noise, so his Kyler bear and elephant lovies are a must to take along when we:re out
  • moved up to sz 2 diapers and Mediums in gDiapers
  • laughing fits - it is never the same thing everyday, but something I say usually sets off this adorable little giggles.  The other day it was the beeping at the store checkout....the worker and I were both disappointed when I ran out of items.  :) 

Just hanging out


Kyler is the star of every store we go into!  He smiles or laughs at everyone and makes our trips about 10 minutes longer each time cause everyone wants to know his name/age/etc.  I love that he is able to bless others with his smile!  

Filled his diaper so well at the City Market that by the time we made it to the bathroom, my hand was full of poop.  UGH! 
Kyler loves to be outside!!!

Royals game! and he did great!  what a good little fan.  :) 
roll over (6/25)
sucked thumb
swimming (hated the first and enjoyed it the second time)
City Market - my people watcher baby loves it!
Fathers Day - Kyler sent Khalid a t-shirt  
walk in carrier - he likes it better than the sling cause his legs are free
boat ride - courtesy of the KC Zoo 
storytime at the library

Precious baby!

My lil pirate baby


He loves playing with and eating my scarves

Hello World!

Goin for a walk...

He is not quiet about how cute he thinks he is!  Loves his mirror!  :) 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Lovie Time

All 3 looking -- what luck!  Aren't they adorable!?!  
Lovies is what J&J say for hugs, 'i love you', and all those mushy things. :)  Well that means these two are my little lovies! They are moving and I am already missing them!  This past week I took C and K for one last field trip -- C and I had done the library several times before, but it was K and Kyler's first time to join us.  We started at the library, made a pit stop at my dad's to see Samson, and ended up getting some refreshments at Quiktrip. At the library it was story time and C was actually not a fan...Jac said she has been uber shy lately.  K on the other hand approached each of the kids with Big Bird in hand and poked them to say Hi while the librarian read...pretty humorous.  Then at my dad's C seemed to have forgotten her shyness as she climbed out of the car saying "Hi Pops" (which is what I call my dad - ha!).  She also didn't mind checking out my dad's whole house, even the fridge where she looked for a snack.  And for the cutest on the way home C told me that Joey had died.  Joey is apparently the dog of a friend of hers.  I told her that it must be sad...and she told me no because Jesus died too and He came back.  What a precious little soul she has!!!  It was alot of work getting three kids in and out of carseats three times, but so worth it!  Love them both so much and wanted those few extra hours to make some memories!  Thanks Jac for letting me steal your cuties for a bit!
Listening to the story.
Isn't this how you sit at story time? 

K checking back in after saying Hi to a few kids

All 4 of us at storytime.
Funny because Kyler probably had the most fun -- laughed and smiled the whole time,
 but you wouldn't know it form the photo.

Sisters gotta hug!!!

J&J's future backseat -- 3 carseats stuffed in the back
(no they aren't pregnant, I am just predicting for 2013 - ha!) 

And an extra bonus -- when we got back Mr. Miah came out to greet us and said my name!  This little boy gets cuter and cuter everytime I see him (which isn't that often) and I was tickled that he would know my name!
Not from the same day, but you can see his cuteness and his lovely Mama!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Swimming: 1st and 2nd Time

I love warm weather and swimming! 
So naturally I want Kyler Jaan to love it too....

First take at our neighborhood pool wasn't so started off rough with him telling me who much he didn't appreciate spray-on sunscreen and ended with him letting me know he doesn't like cold water.  :)  But he does look super cute in his baby sized trunks!  
'Please Mommy, I'll do whatever you want, but don't make me get in that water again" - K

Ahhh...poolside is so much better than in the pool!

Second take was a score.  Hotter temp outside and warmer water made for a score.  I think it helped that his cousin, Zack, played peek-a-boo with him and kept him entertained.  :)  Love my lil man and lil nephew.  (Side note -- I remember the first time we took Zack to this pool about 6 years ago -- wow! time flies by!!!)
Peek-a-Boo pool style 

Kyler wondering why Aunt Missy wasn't joining us in the pool....
so serious lil face.  LOVE!!!
Zack showing off his new skills from swim lessons.  

Kyler being loved on by Aunt Missy and Papa,
 while I  showed Zack the best splash techniques.  :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Thrush.  It. Is. No. Fun!  Maybe I should write that again in all caps...NO FUN!  (sigh)  I had felt run down for over a week, but thought no biggie since I don't really get whole nights of sleep anymore, but then last Saturday night I noticed white patches inside little man's mouth.  It didn't seem to be bothering him but I freaked.  Started all the natural things (gentian violet, vinegar, baking soda) that night.  But Sunday and Monday were bad for him.  I felt like I had the flu -- tired and achey and Kyler just didn't want to eat.  And we all know what hungry babies do (ha!) so it was a long two days of a tired mommy and uncomfortable baby.  Monday I took him to urgent care and got some medicine. The doc told us to keep doing the natural things as well because they would really work well altogether.  The infection isn't gone yet (still white in his mouth) and sadly only I feel better.  We made another trip to the doctor this week and are trying a new medicine (praying and fingers crossed!)  I will be SUPER excited when it is all gone though because right now I have to sterilize EVERYTHING that touches his many pumping supplies, so many bottles, so many toys...and what do about those cute hands in his mouth all the time.  :)  The cutest part of the illness (okay...the only cute part!) is one of the medicines is purple...and i mean ACU purple which coats his mouth and thus hands very well.  Pictures included below.  And even if he is adorable in them please pray that it goes away -- this mommy doesn't like having a hungry baby when his mouth hurts!

as you can tell, he doesn't mind having a purple mouth  :)
well at least when he is able to eat. 

ACU Pride all the way to the top of his mouth!  

He looks like Joker from Batman in this one -- hee hee
 after this time I got better at holding his head, so the Q-tip didn't smear.  :)

Kyler's Favorite Toy (for now)

Kyler's Favorite Toy: Mr. Caterpillar. 

He is a colorful little guy who counts and sings when pressed.  Kyler L.O.V.E.S. him...
he will talk with him, sing with him, stare at him for long periods of time, etc.

So imagine my surprise when Mr. Caterpillar became food....  :)  

 I hope he doesn't start a trend of biting everyone he likes...ha!