Can you believe it? I know I can't...Mr. Kyler is already one month old!
And he is still sporting the title 'Handsomest Little Man Ever!' :)
He is alert more and more -- and I can pretty much count on a good hour of cooing and looking around at 9 am and 9 pm. It is so cute to see him look around and make this facial expressions -- just wish you could know what goes on in a babies mind. Ha! We are still struggling with his carseat (he hates, hates, hates riding in the car), but surviving. We are also trying to survive the long nights we have had recently. Lil' man truly loves to be held from about 12-4 am -- not saying he isn't sleeping then, but I sure am not. We'll have to work on that in the future as well, but right now I just want to love on him and for him to know that someone (mainly me) will be there. He has had lots of visitors this week, attended a birthday party, gone shopping, and met the last of his cousins. It was full week! :)
what a sweetie! hang in there - the sleeping will get easier : )