Kyler is doing great! Gaining weight, losing jaundice, and loving snuggles. This kid loves to be held -- he has gotten to the point where he doesn't wake up when you put him down, but he will raise one eyebrow to question this choice. Love love love this lil man! He is super strong! He turns his neck all around! He loves to sleep on his side -- regardless of how many times he is placed on his back, he wiggles back to his side. This past week he has turned into a different baby though. One of his heel pricks was pretty rough and he found his big kid lungs...and now he likes to use them ALOT. We started using formula after nursing (3 syringes full) and that has been our biggest struggle. Kyler doesn't want to work for his food anymore now and we are having alot of trouble nursing. He nurses okay about every other time and the other time I giving him a bottle of pumped milk. This is really hard on me cause I was SO excited about nursing, but don't want him to be hungry either. And when I say we struggle, I mean he will refuse to eat. I tried to wait him out on afternoon and he went 4 hours of no eating and just fussing and screaming. I finally gave it up when I could hear his poor little stomach growling. Stubborn little man. To balance out the troubles with nursing, he is sleeping great. Twice he has even laid in his hammock and fell asleep all on his own.
It was a busy second week for us though. We were staying at my sisters cause my poor dad got the flu the day Kyler was born, so we visited my dads to pack my things. Then we moved to our new place -- a basement apartment of a WONDERFUL Christian couple! (TRULY A BLESSING -- they will get their own post later) We had a lot firsts -- first shopping trip, grocery store visit, photo shoot, bottle, out to eat, visit to friends, and I am sure more. :) We also had to say good-bye to Nana this Saturday. My mom was here for two weeks and was a HUGE help. She helped so much with errands, with driving Kyler and I to our dr appts and blood work, and with middle of the night rocking to sleep. SHE IS MISSED ALREADY (and its only been two days!).
But all in all with the screaming and sleeplessness of having a newborn, I LOVE THIS LIL MAN! Because snuggles, sweet little snores, and those cute expressions he constantly has are more precious than gold! Sometimes I too tired to remember it, but other times I overwhelmed with what a blessing and miracle he is. I love Nicoda and miss him SOO much (probably even more now that I know more of what I missed with him), but know that I appreciate Kyler so much more because of Nicoda's absence. Thank you God for Kyler!
I wish I was super mom and could post all the time, but I am aiming for once a week. So see you next week...ha! :)
Kyler with his 'grow with me' elephant, Andi |
Enjoying his first nap in his hammock |
Seeing Papa again after he recovered |
Mom can swaddle me as much as she wants -- but I want my hands by face! |
Opps... :) |
Chillin' |
Alright Mom -- enough with the photos today! |
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