"A glad heart makes a cheerful face..." - Proverbs 15:13
This sweet boy just continues to grow in my heart! His smile keeps getting bigger and bigger each month too -- guess I should call it a grin. :) He loves having an audience, loves other kids, loves climbing stairs, to be held upside down, and is starting to crawl to me just for snuggles (YES!!!)! I love watching his personality develop. He is a definite hot/cold child. He is either really happy or seriously ticked off -- usually because of the car seat or tired. He knows what he wants now and will try, try, try to get it. If the baby gate isn't put off, he is off like a rocket. If something is blocking him, he pulls and pushes to get it out of the way. And a new favorite game for him is to empty the entire bookshelf of its books and then sit in the middle to read. WHAT A CUTIE!
18 lbs
30 inches
- stand up all on your own (no furniture help)
- go after or look for toy when it drops or disappears
- play peekaboo
- give high 5's
- clap hands to music
- use your pincher fingers to pick up toys and snacks
- walk holding onto furniture or toys -- not interested in walking holding onto hands at all though!
- climb stairs
- understand no (meaning you either cry when you hear it and stop or just hesitate before continuing - ha!)
- drink from a sippy cup or a water bottle
- talk and babble alot in gibberish (no distinguishable words yet)
- loves to sing along in the car seat, in his crib, at church!
- has 4 teeth -- two on top (one popped through exactly at 10 mo) and 2 on bottom.
- favorite foods right now: oranges, oranges, and more oranges
- favorite toy - anything that makes noise when hit or banged on.
- you got a Christmas train a one of your gifts and you are TERRIFIED of it when it moves -- similar to the vacuum. But if you see it and it isn't turned on, you go up to it and knock it over! Ha!
- When your first snow arrrived (and it snowed Nana in for another day), we took you out for a walk and play time. Outside the house, I put you down in the snow, so you could feel it. You looked up at me horrified, glanced over at Nana standing in the house, and made a beeline for the inside. Guess you're not a fan of the cold.... :)
- you still sing with me at night when you go to sleep, but you also sing to your animals and along with the radio in the car now. PRECIOUS!
- slept with Mommy for one of the first times when Nana was visiting and it was sweet. You were fussing, so I put you on the air mattress with me and you just bounced on it for a few seconds, snuggled up on the pillow and went back to sleep. Then when Nana had left I put you on my bed one morning, you tried to bounce and nothing happened. You got the most quizzical look on your face -- like maybe Mommy's bed is broke. :)
- started walking with your walking toy while Nana and Aunt Missy were watching you -- then I got home and saw it and was so excited. They didn't know it was a new thing for you!
Walking across room with toy
Christmas - not interested in wrapped presents, but yea! for new toys! :)
First time to see Santa - classic baby screaming photo
First time to deliver meals - you loved all the new friends to make at each door
First overnight without Mommy -- you did great at the babysitter's, but were wound up when i picked you up and mommy was TIRED (i worked an overnight shift).
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