Wednesday, February 6, 2013

11 Months Young....

Proverbs 25:2 (NKJV) It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter. 

(taking pictures with elephant becoming increasingly harder!) 

How is my BABY eleven months!?!  If you know the answer, please tell me!  I am so super excited for his birthday party, but so not excited for him to growing up so fast.  I am loving this stage of his life though.  CURIOUS! INTO EVERYTHING! SNUGGLY!  Okay, so not really snuggly as a personality trait and more because he has been sick twice this month, but a moms gotta take it when she can.  :)  

Stats:  19 lbs  

  • walking!  You took several steps for a few days and then you got an ear infection (double) and haven't tried again. 
  • crawling champion -- you are so fast kid!  It is kinda incredible!
  • going backwards off ledge/couch - mommy was shocked to see you turn yourself around and scoot backwards of the bottom step!  Way to Go!  
  • says bye-bye and hi -- not always and not always clearly, but becoming consistent
  • waves hi and bye as well, in fact he'll wave long after the person is gone.  :) 
  • still loving the singing and music
  • has sat through two church services -- played semiquiet during sermon.  He loves the singing, so I glad when he is able to stay in service.  
  • become uber-clingly.  You scream whenever I leave the house or babysitters.  It is heartbreaking!  I know it is because you haven't been feeling good, but hate hearing that cry. 
  • Sharing -- he loves to share his toys and food.  
  • Rolling ball back and forth
  • Took an hour and half car ride without sleeping or crying -- this is HUGE for us, folks!  

He is adorable with this toy.
 It plays music if you walk, so when the music starts,
 he stops to dance and then keeps going. 

One day you shared your food by putting your goldfish in my mouth which I ate.  You then opened my mouth and cried to find it missing!  (ha ha!  sorry - what goes in, does not usually come out!)

Had allergy testing done and found out that you are technically as allergic to peanuts as you are too milk -- yet you have peanut butter and jelly alot with no side effects and milk makes you sick.  Weird!  

You were being quiet one afternoon and when I went to find you, you were in the bathroom chewing on the toilet brush.  I took it away while trying not to gag!  Grossness kid!  

Watched you from the living room one day as you pushed and pushed and pushed a box over to your ball pit.  Then I was blown away to realize you were planning to use this box in order to scale the side of your ball pit.  No fear of heights for this one!  


  • News Years! 
  • First year to celebrate Daddy, Nicoda's, and Mommy's birthday.  You were so good on Nicoda's birthday -- extra long nap and snuggles for Mommy.  And you were pretty snuggly on Mommy's birthday too, but that is cause you were sick....  :)  
  • blood work - maybe we'll never have to do it again! 
  • Winter Jam -- yea! for music! 
  •  He actually fell asleep during the heavy metal band. 

"You didn't need those chips on this cart, did you Mom?"

Rolling the ball back and forth

He spends a fair amount of time in this ball pit

Reading the Sunday paper -- okay tearing up the Sunday paper
Kyler-ee Jaan, my little boo bear!  I love you so much!  Somedays I feel like I can't possibly love you more, but then you keep getting cuter and cuter!  Watching your personality develop, watching you interact with others, seeing you worship at church, following you around the house from one adventure to the have made me love life in a whole new way.  I have been praying Ephesians 1 over you this month -- for you to have His Spirit, for you to know God and develop wisdom, so that you can be a light in our world!  No matter what happens though I will be here cheering you on -- just like I cheer for you as you empty every ball from the ball pit or when you do something/anything!  LOVE YOU HANDSOME BOY!!!

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