Sunday, January 1, 2012

Birthday of the Hubs

Well today is the birthday of my hubby -- wish it was a happy one, but it isn't for me.  I haven't heard from him in over a month and try to balance my worry over with him with the anger that he could just give up on Cupcake and I.  :(  I know that he needs medicine to really be "Khalid", but the rejection and the loneliness still hurt. 

God -- Please watch over my husband.  I take comfort in knowing that You know where he is and how he is doing.  Thank you for how much you love him and all of us.  Continue to grow and protect our little baby!  -- Amen 

2011 (last year's birthday)
 I love you, Khalid Jon.  Hope you see this and know that you are missed and needed! 

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