Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hope Mommies

*** a side note to begin *** 
When I left for my retreat a couple of weeks ago, I literally thought finally I can start relationships without the cloud of grief around me.  I always answer peoples question about it if I have children with yes and tell them briefly about Nicoda, but I wanted this weekend to be about something new.  BUT at the retreat I met woman after woman who had lost kids through miscarriage and stillbirth.  Then when I arrived home, I had an email from a dear friend connecting me to another amazing woman and a website called Hope Mommies. which led me to so many more stories and women.   I say all of that to say God isn't through with Mr. Nicoda's story in my life and others.  God isn't ready for me to forget all that grief because He knows now it is the time to pay it forward.   God is so good! 

Hope Mommies is a website/forum for moms who have lost children to miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death.  When I first lost Nicoda (and by that I mean the first year!) I would scour the web for these websites and read story after story.  So many of the stories that I read made me more angry that I lost Nicoda because the women saw no sense in the death -- they didn't have Jesus.  Hope Mommies is a place where women who are searching like I was can read others stories like they so want to and see HOPE in them instead of just sorrow and bitterness.  I LOVE IT!  What an amazing blessing and tool this website is going to be!  Praise God for His Mighty Way in working through people to meet needs! 

1 comment:

  1. Stacia, I love that we have the blessed hope of being reunited with our children!
