I was soo sooo soooo blessed to be able to spend several afternoons with Jacqueline, Chloe, and Kaleah -- sometimes even Edna, Jordan, and Sharlene (via Skype). :-) Kaleah loves to be held which was just fine with me and I was BLOWN AWAY with how much Chloe talks. She would say my name and I would melt! She would also say 'nack' for snack and 'chriffin lites' and 'ya' for yes ALOT. Both of those girls own a piece of my heart! I love seeing Jac be a mom and how easy and natural it seems on her -- I was honored to be able to read with Chloe -- I was touched by how much Chloe loves her Bible and singing songs. Such an amazing, godly family! Blessed to have Jacqueline for a best friend!!!

who couldn't love this cheesy peanut buttery grin?

she was smiling back -even if you can't tell. :-)

Mommy with her well-fed little Kaleah. :-)

Just chillin'

Kaleah : "Oooh! Keep bouncing me like that, Auntie Stac"
Stac: "No problem kid!'

Best Friends! :-)

The girls picture -- the little ones are TOTALLY into it. ha!

Just too adorable not to photograph!
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