(he is really good with money! impressed me!)
I got to stay with sister most of my visit and this allowed me lots of time to chat with Missy, have lunch with Bre, and play games with Zack. Sadly Ashley has already moved out of the house, so I didn't get to spend as much time with her. I also got to go and visit with pug puppies when they were trying to pick a puppy for Zack. :-) I really enjoyed spending time with my sister -- when she isn't working (she has to work alot between juggling kids, Zack's school, and actual work). We went to the zoo one morning and had Don Chilto's for lunch (my favorite Mexican resturants and Zack's favorite for french fries) Zack has been going to a speical school that he is thriving in and he is one of the funniest and most honest kids you'll very meet. One day Bre was attending a funeral for a local solider and I got to drive her back and forth and have lunch at Culvers with her. And I got to go to my niece Ashley's apartment -- it was odd to see her living out on her own, working and going to school. Bre, Zack, and I played Mario Bros. on Wii quite a bit and Zack even brought me penquin pj pants for Christmas 'so I could remember Mario' (his words) when I went back home. Zack and I played several board games as well -- but failed at Guess Who? because he kept trying to cheat...which always works on my dad, but didn't with me. :-) And one of my favorite parts of visiting that cute boy is how each night I would have to bribe him to get a hug -- another thing he learned from my dad. But I learned that a great 'deal' would be to tell him either a hug or a kiss....and being a true little boy the hug won hands down. HA!

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