Well -- it finally happened! We got our new place (actually moved two weeks ago -- but I am a slow blogger) and new furniture! I love having new things and watching Khalid put all of them together. I mean seriously who needs a power drill when you have muscles like him... :-) I help by reading the instructions and he scoffs at needing them, but always seems to be looking at me for the next step regardless. Ha! We got a red dishwasher which just makes me smile each time I go into the kitchen, not to mention it matches all of the kitchen stuff I already had. We also got a new big refridgator....it is fairly common in Austria for most apts to have a dorm sized fridge, which might be alright, but a dorm sized freezer doesn't quite cut it for me. So as soon as it was delivered I went and stocked up on ice cream, pizza, and veggies! :-) So ober nice to feel settled and to actually unpack my boxes that have been sitting around. God has truly blessed us with this place and with our new belongings. And the best blessing for me is that we have awesome neighbors. They invited us over the first night we came and I have hung out with the lady neighbor twice already. We made plans to go shopping each Thursday to the market down the street as well. It is nice to have someone to say hi to each day besides Khalid now. :) They have a 4 month old little boy and are expecting another, so Khalid and I both enjoy getting baby snugglies in as well. Masi (sp?) looks grumpy in this photo, but he is actually a really happy baby. I'll work on a better photo.

In addition to all the other new things -- I got a new haircut (donated it to Locks of Love) and new glasses (black and purple). My hair seems to have doubled in curls since I cut it, but at least it makes it more less maintence because I am not so generous in time when it comes to my hair. :-)
Well that is my update for now....more later! Blessings!
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