Weight: 15.8 lbs Length 27 1/2 inches
about to take off! |
- sitting up all by himself -- until he gets too excited, then he flaps his little arms and tips over! ha!
- hoisting up on hands and knees -- sometimes he just rocks, a few times he has face planted, but more often that not, he goes backwards
- likes to roll and wiggle himself around the room
- still enjoys standing -- if he can get a good grip can stand up without assistance
- CURIOUS -- this little boy wants to see every new face, everything around him, and he'll wiggle and turn to make sure he takes it all in. :)
- Really starting to listen to his books and seems to help turn the pages sometimes
- Super super ticklish -- I just have to make the tickle sound and he'll start giggling
- Kyler is learning how to get attention -- he'll whine first and if that doesn't work he squeals! ha!
- One day we were at the store and a lady behind us was telling her daughter to look at the cute baby -- - -- Kyler's head whipped around which only solidified my belief that he thinks "Cute" is one of his names.
- Growling. It. Is. So. Funny. to hear him growl. He did it for a few days straight in lieu of talking, but now it is his 'I am getting frustrated' sound.
- He is loving all songs with actions, especially the Isty Bitsy Spider. He is a big fan of when the spider gets washed out. :) He also likes "This is the way the lady rides" -- but I always mess up the tune.
- ear infection -- boo! he became super clingy and fussy. Messed up our sleeping schedule too.
- family reunion! -- met lots of family
- sat up alone (8/12)
- Kaleidoscope and Money Museum with the Bratcher's
- Video time -- he watches My Baby Can Read or Baby's 1st German for about 15 minutes each day
- sleeping completely swaddle free
- time in the church nursery and at the YMCA nursery
- time in stroller and 1st time sitting in shopping cart
- first Olympics
Toys sure do taste good! |
Kyler -
Somedays I look at you and I can't believe that you are real -- I wanted and prayed so long for a baby...any baby, but God knew who and what I needed and gave me, not just any baby, but YOU! A baby who LOVES people and blesses them with a smile, who blesses me with his coos and bouncing all day long (and sometimes all night!) and a baby who can be so serious and intent with those dark eyes. I love you and am so glad that God picked me to be your mommy! I pray that you continue to grow big and strong -- and I pray that you grow strong in the Lord as well. May you keep on blessing others EVERYDAY of your life!
- Mommy
Sweetest smile EVER! |
Holding his own bottle |
1st time in stroller |
At the park w/Zack |
Not really wanting to ride the horse... |
with Lara at the Money Museum |
We had a great day with the Bratchers! |
Helping Mommy hold the umbrella during one of our waks |
with Sky -- my great nephew (but i just call them cousins - ha!) |
One of our (my) favorite books |
Breakfast with Papa |
Very actively watching his Baby German video |
He is planning something here..... :) |
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