All 3 looking -- what luck! Aren't they adorable!?! |
Lovies is what J&J say for hugs, 'i love you', and all those mushy things. :) Well that means these two are my little lovies! They are moving and I am already missing them! This past week I took C and K for one last field trip -- C and I had done the library several times before, but it was K and Kyler's first time to join us. We started at the library, made a pit stop at my dad's to see Samson, and ended up getting some refreshments at Quiktrip. At the library it was story time and C was actually not a fan...Jac said she has been uber shy lately. K on the other hand approached each of the kids with Big Bird in hand and poked them to say Hi while the librarian read...pretty humorous. Then at my dad's C seemed to have forgotten her shyness as she climbed out of the car saying "Hi Pops" (which is what I call my dad - ha!). She also didn't mind checking out my dad's whole house, even the fridge where she looked for a snack. And for the cutest on the way home C told me that Joey had died. Joey is apparently the dog of a friend of hers. I told her that it must be sad...and she told me no because Jesus died too and He came back. What a precious little soul she has!!! It was alot of work getting three kids in and out of carseats three times, but so worth it! Love them both so much and wanted those few extra hours to make some memories! Thanks Jac for letting me steal your cuties for a bit!
Listening to the story. Isn't this how you sit at story time? |
K checking back in after saying Hi to a few kids |
All 4 of us at storytime. Funny because Kyler probably had the most fun -- laughed and smiled the whole time, but you wouldn't know it form the photo. |
Sisters gotta hug!!! |
J&J's future backseat -- 3 carseats stuffed in the back (no they aren't pregnant, I am just predicting for 2013 - ha!) |
And an extra bonus -- when we got back Mr. Miah came out to greet us and said my name! This little boy gets cuter and cuter everytime I see him (which isn't that often) and I was tickled that he would know my name!
Not from the same day, but you can see his cuteness and his lovely Mama! |
So fun! C lived on this high for a few days! Love u, Auntie Stac & Kyler!! THanks for making such special memories with our girls.