Monday, April 16, 2012

7 Weeks of Being Kyler's Mommy

Lil' man is 7 weeks old today -- he is perfecting his smile and lungs daily.  :)  I still have days when I tear up looking at him and am just in awe of how wonderful he is.  He is healthy and handsome -- what more could I want?  Okay, I could do with less colic time at night.  Ha!  But I take the colic over the silent nights Mr. Nicoda gave us.  It is hard for me to look back and even try to imagine a life without Kyler in it...I know it existed and even less than 2 months ago but he has filled me with so much love and wonder that it doesn't seem possible that such a short time has gone by.  When I do think back to 2 months, I almost giggle at all the things I was going to do and was sure about -- then Kyler came and showed me that all those 'things' weren't as important as just loving him.  Do we nurse each meal -- nope?  Do we have a bedtime routine already set in place -- not even close?  Is he the happiest baby on the block (cause we read that book)? -- if that means not crying we aren't even close.  :)  But is he healthy, well-fed, prayed over, and LOVED BEYOND MEASURE?  yes!  It didn't take me all of those 7 weeks to figure out what is most important, but nice to look back sometimes.  Here's to being a mommy -- the most precious job in the world!!!  

Loving my mobile friends
Kyler loves to be swaddled! 

Sportin my Pooh robe after torture time (aka bath time)  :)
my nite-time face....well until Mommy agrees to NOT put me down EVER!

Hometown Pride!
The dr lets me give him sugar water when he starts to get out of control crying --
as you can tell I don't even need to hold the mini bottle he loves it SO much!  ha!

All the crying makes for a a tired baby -- and the sugar water helps!  A very sweet tired baby... 

Hi Everyone!  :)

Cutest little face -- in the whole world!!!

Love his facial expression here -- 'Who do you think you are to keep taking my pic?"

1 comment:

  1. Lovin' those smiley faces! Well, all of them! Love you and your boy oh, so much!
