"You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains
and hills will burst into song before you,
and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."
Isaiah 55:12

Kyler is a constant source of joy this month! I love watching him watch everything -- he has times where he just sits and gazes around. PRECIOUS! A good trait if he is going to be President someday. :) Colic started this month and it was pretty hard the first week (okay some nights it is still really hard)...but we have a system now and it makes it bearable. Kyler is a very intense baby. He sleeps hard, he focuses intently, he screams loud, he smiles big -- he does all the emotions and moods 100% :)

Kyler is a constant source of joy this month! I love watching him watch everything -- he has times where he just sits and gazes around. PRECIOUS! A good trait if he is going to be President someday. :) Colic started this month and it was pretty hard the first week (okay some nights it is still really hard)...but we have a system now and it makes it bearable. Kyler is a very intense baby. He sleeps hard, he focuses intently, he screams loud, he smiles big -- he does all the emotions and moods 100% :)
Stats: (I'll have to insert his height and weight after our appt Tuesday)
- coos and makes other sounds
- smiles (alot) and especially when smiled at
- can hold his head up for several mintues while on tummy or in Bumbo
- has just this past week started to put his hands in his mouth
- tracks toys and faces from left to right
- recognizes my voices and turns head towards me when he hears me (heart melt!!!)
- kicks really hard with his legs -- he can propel himself right off the boppy if he pushes off me
- has a very strong grip -- pretty cool unless it is my hair that he grabbed. :)
- big enough for 0-3 months clothes
- loves loves loves to be swaddled and sssh'ed to sleep; in the car this means static. (ugh!) I call it his favorite 'non' radio station. ha!
- bouncing saves us at night -- i sit on an excerise ball
- adapting to not being held all the time -- can spend up 10 minutes staring at his mobile or lights (mommy's back just can't do it 18/7)
- still likes to be held alot though and can drop off pretty fast when snuggled into the sling
- one night when I was singing with him, he started cooing along. it was probably just great timing, but I felt like he was singing along -- SWEET!!!
- Khalid has been talking with Kyler everyday on Skype...one night when we didn't have internet (power outage) he called on the phone and Kyler got so excited even just hearing his voice on the phone...smiling and kicking. Video calls do count!
- talking to daddy (Khalid has called everyday this month)
- video call
- being babysat (thanks Auntie Jac and Aunt Heidi)
- birthday party (thanks Chloe for turning 3! and then Lynda 7!)
- sit in Bumbo
- sleep 6 hours at night (he does this almost every night and i am so thankful!)
- cradle cap experience -- its better now.
- chiropractor (we hoped it would help with the colic -- no go)
- Easter/Holiday
- bath without crying -- now he cries when I take him out. ha!
- 0-3 months old clothes -- I actually packed up the newborn clothes on this 2 mo. birthday. Won't lie I made me emotional. He is already getting TOO big!
- *I am sure there are more, but who can rememeber them all. :)
I wish I could write how much I love you....but there aren't words. I wanted you so badly, then I prayed for you so hard, and now I have loved on you for two whole months and it fills me completely! I can't wait to continue to see you grow and learn and develop! I LOVE YOU!!!
- Mommy
enjoying the warm weather by napping outside! |
his cute little smile and tuft of hair that refuses to go down...gel maybe? |
I think he is wondering why I am taking pictures instead of playing... :) |
cooing... :) |
SWEET! Rocking my lil man |
I think he knows how cute he looks! |
Not happy to take a picture with Andi -- this was actually one of the better fotos.... |