Monday, April 22, 2013

Proverbs 22:6

Start children off on the way they should go,
 and even when they are old they will not turn from it.  
- Proverbs 22:6

The writer probably didn't have Quiktrip in mind when he wrote this, but it is a great gas station with great drinks that I am happy to share with Kyler!  Don't worry -- I am teaching other important things like manners and reading too!   :) 

A peach yogurt smoothie - gone in about 30 seconds!  :) 

Short Update

This lady has been sick, so updates and just taking pictures hasn't been on the top of list.  Oops!  Well here are a few pictures to appease my few readers.  :)

Park Fun

Swim Time!

Lots of outside time!

We're excited for the Royals Home Opener Day!

Blanket fan -- he doesn't even care which blanket, just likes to cuddle and carry.

He bird watches almost every morning!

We saw church friends at McDonalds.  :) 

Raising up my lil Royals fan.

1st trip to McDonalds - chicken nuggets...yes!  french fries - no!
lots of kids around...yes! yes! yes!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Marker For Our Mr. Nicoda

If you have had the unpleasantness of having to arrange and PAY for a funeral  you'll know how crazy expensive tombstones can be. It wasn't in my budget 4 years ago and as much as I have hated not having a stone for Mr. Nicoda, I just couldn't afford it with all the things that come up. That being said last October, my dad had gotten some money and knowing that I was still saving for a stone little by little, brought the stone I had picked out!  A blessing?  I'd say so!  So thankful to have his spot marked with his name now!  We had to wait over 5 months for it to get delivered and it was, of course, made wrong - since that is my usual luck - but we can keep that stone til the right one comes.  

 Yea! for a stone!  Yea! that my boy is in heaven!  
Yea! that I have Kyler to keep me company til its my turn for heaven!

It is supposed to be all black, no gray, but we'll wait and enjoy this temporary stone.  :) 

*Sidenote : Kyler is usually asleep when I go to the cemetery  but this day he wasn't and loved pulling all the flowers out the vases.  :)  

Words, Words, Words

Probably even more than with walking, I anxiously awaited for Kyler to start 'talking'.  At our 1 year check-up, the pediatrician asked if Kyler was saying any words besides mama.  Mama?  Yeah, right!  :)  This kid now says more than half a dozen words or so, but none of them really mama.  He makes mamama noises, but not really in conjunction with me.  Ha!  But he does say alot of other words which makes my heart proud.  Currently we have bye-bye, hi ("hhh"), outside ("si"), dog "da", kitty cat "kit-e", ball "ba", please "leas", and most recently thank you "sank ew".   :) 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter Joy

I think Easter is by and far one of my favorite holidays!  Not for the decorations or Easter eggs, but because it contains so much joy and promise!  Who can't get excited for HEAVEN!?!  (well actually a large group of people that we need to witness too....eek!)  I loved reading our Easter books with Kyler and sharing worship with him Easter morning.  He was in awe of the little kids during a presentation and the special video at church and he, of course, sang along with all the songs.  

We did lots of pre-Easter celebrating too. 
Easter egg cupcakes for neighbors.
Painting paper Easter eggs for our loved ones.

I thought he'd try to eat the 'paint', so we used colored cool whip.  :)
Going to a petting zoo (it was supposed to be seeing Easter Bunny too - fail!)

Joined by Lynda and Zack too!
Easter basket fun!


And of course...the Easter Bunny. 
 (we actually saw him Easter Sunday since Saturday was a fail when the Easter Bunny left early!)
 laughing and excited to see the Easter Bunny
and then of course, complete serious look when he finally met 'her'.
We had lots of fun celebrating, but mostly I am just humbled, grateful, and excited about the HEAVEN!  Thank you God for the amazing plan you put into place at the beginning to show your children how much you truly love and want them!  And thank you Jesus for being willing to take our sins -- especially since they aren't just a few from this sinner.  BLESSED!