And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God,
I try to pick a verse to pray over and memorize each month for Kyler! I'll be honest -- I only have 4 of 6 memorized, but the intent is there. It is my deepest desire for him to not only know Christ, but to shine Christ's love to others! Feel free to pray along with me that he becomes a warrior for God!!!
Stats: 16.5 lbs and some odd inches :)
(sorry its a non-doctor visit month!)
Looking so cool with his hat on -- we use it for peek a boo |
Crawling -- he squeezed it at the last few days of 6 months! :)
Halfway Sitting - taking a pause from crawling and scooting, he will tuck his legs and prop up with one arm. Sometime he struggles to try to tip himself all the way up, but he doesn't quite have it.
Giving kisses -- finally! I have only been trying to teach him since he was 3 days old. ha!
Object Permanence -- LEARNED! He surprised mommy by going to his teddy bear, pushing it aside, and grabbing the iPhone which I had hidden behind him. Made me laugh for sure!
Talking and Singing -- He seems to have very serious conversations with me and others sometimes. He furrows his brow and oohs, mmmmhhs, uhhs for awhile. :) He also sings along to his nitetime song each night. PRECIOUS!!!
Eating solids -- we waited til 6 months to try any food. And no biggie cause he isn't really a fan. He has tried sweet potatoes, avcados, bananas, applesacue, peas, and squash. Squash is his favorite, but he really like carbs -- he will gum on a tortilla or cracker for quite a while and loves the crust of my bread.
Sleeping even better -- he goes to sleep on his own with just a few minutes of crying/whining and sleeps 6 hours. Wakes up for about 5 minutes to down a bottle and sleeps for another 4 hours or so. And he takes (usually!) a 2 hour nap in the am and a 2 hour nap in the pm. This mommy loves having more of schedule to go on each day.
He was SO excited to sit in the front seat
while mommy was digging for change at a garage sale |
His drooling meter is reaching the top of the charts -- hence the chapped cheeks |
One morning I put him down to go and get something from the kitchen, when I turned around I almost stepped on Kyler -- he had followed me into to the kitchen (1st time) and been SOO quiet. I glance around first now. :)
My dad comes to visit on Friday nights and my dad made some funny noise at him and Kyler started to hit his noise maker toy. When he stopped he looked up at my dad. So my dad make a noise again and then Kyler took his turn. It was so funny and interesting to see him focus on my dad and on hitting his toy. They did it for about 10 minutes!
Had his first bouts of separation anxiety this month -- crying even when I would just leave the room. Very hard for me cause I want him to enjoy other people, but doesn't it just make you smile inside when you know that YOU are the person he wants....I am selfish like that and love that he feels comfortable with me.
eating applesauce -- he makes the face each time and still comes back for more. ha! |
L.O.V.E. this facial expression! |
Kyleree / Bugaboo / Boo / Handsome / Herr Hamidi....those are just a few of the names that I can you. I can't help but give you sweet names cause you are so sweet. I am SOOO blessed to be your mommy, seriously! you make my world a better place. You make me smile and laugh each day! You make me pay attention to the small things like the wind blowing and simple things like a tree -- I love watching your wonder at the things around you. I love seeing your smile and grin everyday. I LOVE YOU! I pray that your joy around other people never goes away and that you continue to grow strong and healthy!
Watching his first concert! (Brandon Heath) |
At his second concert! (Bebo Norman!!! - I was super excited!) |
Pure Joy! |
Laughing at the curtain blowing |
Checking to make sure Mommy is still there. :) |